Social Engineering Attacks to Watch Out For

Monica Morris • Dec 22, 2021

Not all cyberattacks require technical skills. Social engineering is one of those techniques that is highly effective without requiring a threat actor to understand the complex and inner workings of security systems.

Social engineering is the process of manipulating victims into giving up confidential information or providing access to restricted resources. The technique relies on human interaction and psychology and it is used to circumvent normal security procedures.

Businesses are often targeted with social engineering attacks to gain access to information such as account passwords, banking information as well as access to the victim’s computer.
It could also be used to install malicious software for remote control and information theft.

Social engineering is popular because it is much easier to exploit people’s behavior and emotion than find security vulnerabilities.

How social engineering works
Social engineering usually starts with research and reconnaissance of the target. Cybercriminals often gather intelligence about the organization structure, business partners, employees’ behavioral patterns, and internal communication tools.

The discovered information is then used to design social engineering attacks.

Social Engineering Tactics
There are various tactics used by social engineers to gain the trust of their target. Some of them are covered below

1. Message from a Trusted Partner
A common social engineering tactic is to send a phishing email to impersonate a trusted business partner. The hacker will present a valid reason, a pretext, for the contact and then demand the victim hand over their login credentials and other personal data. Often, personal information is obtained via malicious links included in the email.

This is commonly deployed against financial institutions and their partners.

This social engineering method may include an email or call asking for details of an ongoing transaction, a boss’ weekly calendar, charity donation, or a scam urgent request for help from a stranded friend.

2. Baiting Tactics
This is also known as quid pro quo. This method relies on dangling gifts or benefits in front of people to encourage them to take actions in favor of the attacker.

Hackers may offer popular movies, music, and premium software for free or at heavily discounted prices. Such offers are distributed on peer-to-peer websites, online advertisements, and social media platforms.

The free offers are often embedded with malware to compromise victims’ systems and steal confidential information. For premium products sold at a fraction of the cost, the promoters harvest the buyers’ credit cards and account details which are then used for automatic debits or emptying victims’ accounts.

Social engineers may drop infectious USB drives in the business premises with the hope that an employee will plug them in directly into the system causing infection.

3. Creating Distrust
Attackers can also create distrust among friends and colleagues and take advantage of the ensuing chaos.

This involves having unauthorized access to a victim’s email and social media account and then manipulating them to achieve the desired outcome.

The malicious actor pretends to be the account owner and sends carefully crafted messages in order to cause disaffection among parties. Old messages may be edited or previously private conversations leaked to the subject of discussion. The strained relationship may then be exploited for various purposes.

4. Unsolicited assistance
In this case, malicious actors offer unsolicited assistance to victims or pretend to be responding to a call for help.

The attackers impersonate an employee from a different branch or a support agent for popular companies in industries such as banking, health, and software development.

Attackers may send out emails or make calls offering to fix the victim’s computer. A recent cybersecurity incident could also be referenced as the reason for offering a fake security update that is actually malware.

Cybercriminals may request personal information from the victims as part of the fix.

5. Faking Trust
Cybercriminals can best impersonate a person when they have access to their emails and other online accounts.

They can send messages to the victim’s contacts leveraging their existing relationship. Such messages are not properly scrutinized because of their trusted origin.

The messages may include malicious links and attachments disguised as cute pictures and salary upgrades. Victims’ devices are infected when such links are opened.

Such impersonation may also be used to obtain sensitive information about a victim’s personal and professional life.

6. Tailgating
This is when a cybercriminal gains physical access into a secure location by following and pretending to be associated with authorized personnel.

How to Protect Yourself from Social Engineering Attack

  1. Avoid all unsolicited offers of winnings or gifts.
  2. Block and report any request for passwords or financial information.
  3. Reject all unsolicited offers for help and only use official channels for communication.
  4. Organizations should regularly carry out social engineering awareness training and penetration testing.
  5. Anti-virus software, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems should be installed and kept up to date.
  6. Deploy advanced security systems and processes for employees with access to sensitive and financial information.
  7. Install anti-spam software on your network to block malicious emails.
  8. Don’t overshare personal information online or in gatherings.
  9. Don’t click on links in email, visit the site directly via browser.
  10. Don’t leave your devices unattended.
  11. Monitor your accounts closely to quickly detect unauthorized logins.

Social engineering will continue to be a favorite method of hacking because of its simplicity and effectiveness. Cybercriminals can use social engineering attacks in unlimited ways to steal personal information and compromise systems.

To protect yourself and your organization from various social engineering tactics, follow the recommended tips discussed above. Security-aware employees can better detect attack attempts and block them.

Do you want to protect your business from social engineering attacks? Get in touch today.

Fort Wayne Indiana downtown
05 Jan, 2024
In an era where digital transformation is at its peak, businesses are increasingly vulnerable to cyber threats in Fort Wayne, Indiana. With cybercriminals becoming more sophisticated, local companies must avoid these threats to safeguard their digital assets. As cybersecurity experts, SDTEK is dedicated to helping Fort Wayne businesses fortify their defenses against these ever-evolving threats. Understanding the Cyber Threat Landscape in Fort Wayne Like many thriving urban areas, Fort Wayne is home to a diverse range of businesses. The variety of enterprises here makes the city a vibrant economic hub, from bustling tech startups to established manufacturing companies. However, this diversity also makes the area a target for cybercriminals. The most common threats include phishing attacks, ransomware, data breaches, and malware. Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are particularly vulnerable, often due to limited IT security resources. Recognizing these threats is the first step in building an effective defense strategy. Why Cybersecurity Matters More Than Ever for Local Businesses The consequences of cyber attacks can be devastating. They can lead to financial loss, damage to reputation, and legal implications if customer data is compromised. In today's interconnected world, the fallout from a security breach can extend far beyond the immediate damage, impacting customer trust and business continuity. Tailored Cybersecurity Strategies for Fort Wayne Businesses At SDTEK, we understand that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to cybersecurity. This is why we offer customized security strategies that cater to the specific needs of Fort Wayne businesses. Our approach includes: Risk Assessment: Evaluate your business's particular risks, considering factors unique to your industry and operational model. Employee Training: Empowering your staff with knowledge and best practices to recognize and prevent potential cyber threats. Implementing Robust Security Measures: This includes firewalls, anti-virus software, and secure Wi-Fi networks tailored to your business's specific needs. Regular Monitoring and Updates: Continuously monitor for threats and keep your security systems up-to-date to combat new and emerging threats. Best Practices for Cyber Hygiene In addition to tailored strategies, there are general best practices that every business in Fort Wayne can implement: Regularly update software and systems to patch vulnerabilities. Use strong, unique passwords and consider multi-factor authentication. Regularly back up data and store it securely. Establish a clear policy for handling sensitive data. Collaboration and Continuous Learning Cybersecurity is not a one-time effort but a continuous process. Collaboration between businesses and cybersecurity experts like SDTEK is crucial. We encourage Fort Wayne businesses to engage in local cybersecurity forums and workshops to stay informed about the latest threats and defenses. Conclusion In Fort Wayne, staying ahead of cyber threats is essential for the longevity and success of your business. By understanding the risks, implementing tailored strategies, and practicing good cyber hygiene, local businesses can significantly reduce their vulnerability to cyber-attacks. At SDTEK, we are committed to partnering with you in this journey, providing the expertise and support you need to protect your digital assets and thrive in a digital-first world. For more insights and assistance on cybersecurity solutions tailored for your Fort Wayne business, contact SDTEK . Your digital safety is our priority.
06 Dec, 2023
In today's digital landscape, cybersecurity is paramount to protect sensitive business information from falling into the wrong hands. As a business owner, you understand the value of securing your data and safeguarding your reputation. That's where dark web monitoring comes into play. What is Dark Web Monitoring? The dark web is a hidden part of the internet where illegal activities often take place, including the buying and selling of stolen data. Dark web monitoring involves scanning the dark web to identify any instances of your business's compromised information being traded or sold. By monitoring these underground networks, you gain valuable insights and can take immediate action to mitigate potential risks. Key Features and Benefits Real-time Alerts: Dark web monitoring provides real-time alerts, notifying you the moment your business's data appears on the dark web. This allows you to respond swiftly and take the necessary steps to protect your sensitive information. Comprehensive Coverage: Dark web monitoring casts a wide net across various dark web platforms, ensuring comprehensive coverage. It searches for mentions of your business, compromised credentials, financial information, and other sensitive data that may have been exposed. Access to an Expert Support Team: With dark web monitoring, you're not alone in the fight against cyber threats. You have access to an expert support team that can guide you through the process, answer your questions, and provide recommendations to strengthen your cybersecurity posture. Addressing Misconceptions Misconception 1: Dark web monitoring is only necessary for large businesses. Cybercriminals do not discriminate based on business size. Any organization, regardless of its scale, can become a target. Small businesses are particularly vulnerable as they often lack the robust security infrastructure that larger enterprises may have. Dark web monitoring is essential for all businesses, regardless of their size, to proactively protect their data. Misconception 2: Dark web monitoring is too technical to understand. While dark web monitoring may involve technical processes, the service providers are equipped to simplify the complexities for you. They will guide you through the setup, explain the monitoring process, and provide actionable insights in a user-friendly manner. You don't need to be a cybersecurity expert to benefit from dark web monitoring. Misconception 3: Dark web monitoring is expensive. The cost of dark web monitoring is a fraction of the potential financial and reputational damage that a data breach can cause. It's an investment in the security and longevity of your business. Additionally, many service providers offer flexible pricing options to suit different business needs, making it an affordable solution for businesses of all sizes. Conclusion As a business owner, the protection of your data is essential for the continuity and success of your organization. Dark web monitoring offers a proactive approach to cybersecurity, enabling you to identify and respond to potential threats swiftly. By leveraging real-time alerts, comprehensive coverage, and the support of experts, you can safeguard your sensitive information, maintain customer trust, and protect your business from reputational damage. Don't wait until it's too late. Invest in dark web monitoring to stay one step ahead of cybercriminals and gain the peace of mind you deserve. Your business's security is worth it.
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